If you like to join and know more, vsiti the original posting at http://www.influentialblogger.net/2015/09/emergingblogs2015.html
For this year 2015, my choices as advised by my dutiful son are:
1. http://pinoysecretfiles.com/ - Am NOT an aldub fan but my sisters, brother, and my son are! Well, if they are that crazed, I would not be surprised they had visited this blog which posted something about aldub.
2. http://www.thinkpesos.com/ - I have a limited income surviving on investments during my younger years ... this would be informative
3. http://predaking168.blogspot.com/ - I am past my mid life crisis and had survive my husband's mid life crisis... BUT browsing at the site, gives me an insight to both of my sons! I guess both being in their late 40s are undergoing their midlife crisis... they are my sons but at times, i do not exactly understand them.... oh welll, i do still have my own senior life to live
4.http://takeoffphilippines.tumblr.com/ - what else is new? i think i have seen them all but oh well, my son said i have to choose 10 and this is one of them
5. http://www.runnerrocky.com/ - me run? there are evern days that i find it hard to stand up and weeks that i walk with the aid of a cane. but i see both of my sons trying to be fit, i guess they surf more.. sige na nga...
6. http://sulit.ph/blog/ - of course, any blog that is sulit would make it. when i receive a bill i check if i got my senior discount, and both of my sons know this, they already automatically compute and check if the discount was applied.. so.. a blog that refers .. go
7. http://icemagehigh.blogspot.com/ - i have never been artsy but my son recommends it... kulit ng anak ko... makakita lang ng magic / magic.. ay nako.. sige na nga
8. http://www.ourtraveldates.com/ - oh hum... it has been a while since i traveled. last may i should have gone to sagada / benguet / baguio with my son and grand son but my knees.. oh my osteroporothic knees... well the blog is wishful...
9. http://www.myhappyhub.com/ - happiness is your choice... and the blog, espouses it... yes, it will be popular
10. http://garbagepollution-and-greenenvironment.blogspot.com/ - my son says its a green blog, and that is the problem with today's generatio, they are so used to disposable things, used once and throw them away which is why there is so much garbage... just like their relationships.. it seems one night or one date.. and then bye...
oh... i have chosen 10.. bye... also for now
WAIT!!! almost forgot to mention the year's sponsors, they are:
Thank you for including my blog - Garbage Pollution and Green Environment - for Top 10 Emerging Influential blog for 2015.